We provide a wide selection of INNOVATIVE FUNCTIONS AND SERVICES, including plant monitoring, TELE-MANAGEMENT service, TOUCH SCREEN control panel to check all the operating phases automatically, and much more


The hazardous medical waste at infectious risk that can be treated with the plant, are those classified in the European Waste Catalog (CER) with the following codes:

  • CER: 18 01 wastes of maternity wards and waste related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases;
  • CER: 180103* waste that must be collected and disposed applying special precautions to avoid infections;
  • CER: 18 02 waste related to research and diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in animals;
  • CER: 180202*waste that must be collected and disposed applying special precautions to avoid infections.


…only hazardous medical waste at infectious risk can be sterilized.





The experience gained in the specific field allows us to identify, in synergy with the customer, the most appropriate solution for each individual case. Therefore the plant can be customized, according to the customer’s needs, defining the automatic time / cycle conditions in the configuration phase for each individual plant according to: type of treated waste, humidity level, operating potential, type of Steam Generator, etc.

In addition, we offer the possibility to define and size the plant layout, including all the necessary utilities (in / out storage areas, manual and / or automatic handling, management of re-usable bins, re-usable sanitization, fire prevention devices, non-sterilizable sanitaryware waste management , etc.).


Together with the sale of the plant, the customers are supported in the definition of the project of management of medical waste and supported in the phases of:

  • preliminary assessment;
  • drafting of the economic plan;
  • definition of the authorization process and presentation of the project to the competent authorities;
  • definition and sizing of the plant layout, including all the necessary utilities (in / out storage areas, manual and / or automatic handling, management of re-usable bins, re-usable sanitization, fire prevention devices, non-sterilizable sanitary waste management, etc. );
  • drafting application for authorization.valutazione preliminare;



Eco.system firmly believes that a strong after-sales service is essential to have completely satisfied customers.

For this reason, together with the sale of the plant, we provide technical and logistic support during the installation, commissioning, testing and validation phases, in order to guarantee the operational start-up in a short time. In this process a specific training course is carried out for the operation of the plant with maximum efficiency and in compliance with the regulatory and safety requirements.

We are available for any clarification at


Scheduled maintenance is guaranteed and consists of:

– remote monitoring of the plant operating cycles in order to identify any anomalies and intervene before the occurrence of plant shutdowns;

– annual visits, or based on the frequency of use, aimed to ensuring the efficiency and safety of the system, and the verification of all components subject to wear and tear for which it is possible to estimate the residual useful life;

– planning and programming of the necessary replacements in agreement with the customer.

Simple and low-cost operation

The plant is designed to reduce maintenance operations to a minimum and ensure high operational continuity with certain and predictable management costs.

Any necessary maintenance interventions are carried out at the customer’s site quickly, with qualified personnel, equipped with all the necessary spare parts, to allow a timely restoration of the plant’s operations.


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